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Numeric solution

Website development

Do you want to augment your web presence? Nothing better than a nice website to attract potential clients. With my help, you will get a website adapted to mobile, tablet, and computer, with the possibility to translate in multiple languages if need be. The development is done with all the new techno so you can stay up to date and facilitate the evolution of your website with your future needs!
If you have a project in mind, or for any other questions, don't hesitate to contact me!

Use of a content management system

With a content management system, you'll be able to modify parts of your new website, for example, you could modify your home page, change your opening hours, post a new article to your blog. The possibilities are limitless. It may also be possible to add this management to an existing site.

Updating an old website

Does your site look like it's straight out of the 90s? With a little love, we can bring it up to date and bring it back to life! By using new technologies, you will be sure to welcome your future customers with a great experience, whether on a mobile, tablet, or even computer! You will be there for good!

Hosting your website

Let me take care of the hosting of your website. Whether it is for putting your site online, for managing your domain, you don't know how it all works? No problem, I take care of everything at an affordable price!

About me

I live in Sainte-Foy in the beautiful city of Quebec, and have worked for almost 10 years as a web developer, especially in large insurance companies, where I developed the client space, the online quote, the management system, and more! I have touched on several technologies during my experiences in website development, which allows me to be as up-to-date as possible. I am passionate about IT and it will be my pleasure to help you in your efforts for a most remarkable web presence! Contact me!