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Why a new Website?

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In this day and age, having a website is a must! If you don't have one, you're missing out on potential clients and customers. If you want people to find your services online, then it's time for an updated website.

Your website is your brand, and it needs to reflect you and your business in the best possible way. With my help, you'll get a website that's been designed with mobile, tablet, and computer users in mind. You can also translate it into any language if need be.

The development of my websites is done with all the newest technology so that they can evolve as your business grows.

Always faster

There is so much content on the internet, that if your current website is slow, you will surely lose some clients that will rather look elsewhere. Each second can make the difference between keeping a client interested or losing a client. That's why my website is built with this in mind, I keep rapidity in mind every step of the way to help you keeps your clients interested. You can see an experiment from Google that show that delay causes frustration for the user and they will be less prone to stay if your website is slow. Having a fast website is also a good way to be higher ranked by Google for your search because the rapidity of your website is influencing your SEO! Rapidity is really important, and should be one of your primary concerns when designing your new website!

Mobile First

Is your current website optimized for mobile? Now that a majority of users are visiting websites on mobile, it's important to design your website with this in mind, that's what we call Mobile First! Look at the data here, in 2013, only 27% of visits were on mobile, but at the end of 2021, we are now at 63%, if a client is not able to have a great experience on your website from his phone, chances are that he will not bother returning on his computer. A well-designed website will allow for a good experience on mobile as well as on desktop, without compromising on quality. I have done many projects with this approach, and you can too! The speed of your website will also have a big impact on your users on mobile, because often the internet speed is slower, making it more important than ever to have a website optimized for speed and mobility!

Using a good CMS

Using a CMS (Content Management System) is a nice way to manage your website easily. But what's more important than just using one, is using one that will work for your website. Many websites use a CMS like WordPress, but this can sometimes be a bad idea. The wrong CMS will slow down your website with too many features that you don't need. For example, Forestry CMS used for this website allow me to generate all of my websites once and then deliver everything rapidly. One like WordPress will be slower on each page load, which can have an impact on your client and your SEO. A good CMS should make it easy for your content editors to add new content. Every CMS has advantages, we just need to find the good one for your need without sacrificing the quality of your website. With my help, I will help you find the CMS you need for a new website that will allow you to keep your content up to date, without too many drawbacks. Your clients will be happy to navigate your website while giving you the ability to update your website without the need for a developer! If your current CMS is outdated or nonexistent, maybe it's the right time for a new website!

Website too old

Having an older website can sometimes mean that a new design or simple fix can become more expensive to fix. Depending on your website, it can become quite a task to make simple changes. When this happens, it can be the right time to think about a new, updated, website. Technology change and there are often new ways of doing things that will make them simpler and faster. Using new technologies will help you get a website designed for today, faster, and simpler to manage. All of this will help you to keep your maintenance cost down and could help your wallet down the line!

Should you redesign it?

A new website can have many advantages:

  • Faster loading time

  • Show your brand in a more modern way

  • Retaining customers

  • Increasing revenue

  • Decreasing website maintenance

  • Better CMS for your needs

So many reasons, but only you know if you should or not. If you want to redesign or create a new website, don't hesitate to contact me, I would love to help you with your next project!